Tactical Asset Allocation
Using systematic hedge fund models we help you add dynamic tactical shifts to your portfolio. The goal is to generate additional returns by aligning your portfolio with market opportunities.
Strategic Asset Allocation (SAA) defines the long-term reference anchor for your portfolio. Tactical deviations are then based on short- and medium-term market forecasts. We offer Tactical Asset Allocation (TAA) “as-a-service” to your strategic portfolio. You focus on the fundamental sustainable long-term trends, the systematic TAA optimally navigates your portfolio through the market cycles. The goal is to reduce drawdowns and increase returns. Sanostro’s systematic TAA is based on trading signals generated by our quantitative fund partners. Behind the investment signals are quantitative models analyzing the market’s behavioral patterns and macro trends. You benefit from the insights of many top quantitative macro funds.
Combine your strategic portfolio with systematic tactical signals
For investors with a clear strategic view, but in need of tactical signals to generate additional returns.
- Rule-based tactical deviations from strategic allocation
- Adjusts portfolio to different stages of the market
- Diversify across asset class and time
- Lower drawdown and higher return than static equivalent
- Based on the intelligence from leading quant funds
- Simple implementation via futures overlay
Potential drawback
- Can only dynamically reallocate between liquid markets